- order
- порядок
имя существительное:
заказ (order, booking, Commission, indent)порядок (order, method, course, right, discipline, exponent)приказ (order, command, decree, writ, commandment, injunction)распоряжение (disposal, order, disposition, command, direction, bylaw)ордер (order, warrant, indent)орден (order, medal, decoration, institution)строй (order, formation, regime, array, tune, line-up)последовательность (sequence, consistency, order, succession, continuity, chain)предписание (order, injunction, precept, instruction, warrant, regulation)упорядоченность (order)отряд (detachment, squad, troop, party, band, order)распорядок (routine, order, ceremonial)регламент (regulations, order, standing order, time-limit)род (genus, race, kind, family, gender, order)степень (power, degree, extent, rate, grade, order)спокойствие (tranquility, serenity, calm, peace, quiet, order)устав (charter, statute, regulations, rule, order, consuetudinary)инструкция (instruction, regulations, direction, order, specification, brief)разнарядка (order)разрешение (resolution, permission, permit, authorization, solution, order)исправность (good condition, repair, order, kilter, assiduity)боевой порядок (formation, array, battle array, order, battle-order)сорт (variety, grade, sort, class, brand, order)подкласс (order)пропуск (pass, skip, omission, permit, gap, order)социальная группа (order)знак отличия (distinction, mark of distinction, decoration, ribbon, riband, order)слой общества (order)духовный сан (orders, cloth, order)хорошее физическое состояние (order)заказ порционного блюда (order)уровень (level, layer, degree, grade, scale, order)государственное устройство (polity, order)ранг (rank, grade, degree, rating, standing, order)расположение (disposition, arrangement, position, layout, favor, order)чистота (purity, cleanliness, cleanness, clarity, integrity, order)свойство (property, characteristic, feature, affinity, quality, order)глагол:заказывать (order, book, bespeak, charter)приказывать (order, command, tell, enjoin, direct, require)упорядочивать (order, regulate, regularize, normalize, put in order)распоряжаться (dispose of, control, order, boss, instruct, hold the balance)предписывать (prescribe, enjoin, ordain, order, enact, dictate)назначать (assign, appoint, nominate, set, administer, order)делать заказ (place, order)велеть (order, will, say)приводить в порядок (tidy, straighten out, put in order, straighten, settle, order)направлять (guide, head, direct, destine, refer, order)предопределять (predetermine, predestine, ordain, predestinate, foreordain, order)прописывать (prescribe, order)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.